In the News
“Nats’ First Pitch, April 4, 2005”
My Holga image, “Nats’ First Pitch” was taken on the occasion of the first baseball game played by the Washington Nationals, held at JFK Stadium in Washington, DC. The pitcher was Livan Hernandez and the batter, Jimmy Rollins of the Philadelphia Phillies. The photo was featured in a Washington Post story by Frank Van Riper, “Of Presidents, Pictures, and Opening Day Pitchers.”
“Remembering Grandma”
“Remembering Grandma” (Camaguey, Cuba) was selected for the “Portrait” show at The SE Center for Photography in Greenville, SC (Douglas Beasley, Guest Juror). “Remembering Grandma” was also featured on the show’s catalog cover. The show is on display from December 6 through December 28, 2019.
To see the show online and to order a catalog, CLICK HERE.
“Headed Home”
My Holga image “Headed Home” (Camaguey, Cuba) was selected by Black & White Magazine as a 2019 contest winner in their annual “Pinhole/Plastic Camera” competition. It is featured in Issue 136, December 2019.
To order the magazine issue and to order a copy, CLICK HERE.
“Hangin’” (Camaguey, Cuba) was selected for the “Street” show at A Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas (Harvey Stein, Guest Editor). “Street” is on display from July 6 to August 19, 2018.
To see the show online and to order a catalog, CLICK HERE.
“Turf Farm Silos”
“Turf Farm Silos” (Poolesville, MD) was selected for the “Open Call 2018” show at PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, VT (Douglas Beasley, Guest Editor). “Open Call 2018” is on display from October 3 to November 3, 2018. “Turf Farm Silos” is also featured in the gallery’s permanent online collection.
To see the show online and to order a catalog, CLICK HERE.
“Lost” was selected for the “Abandoned Landscape” show at The SE Center for Photography in Greenville, SC (Jennifer Schleslinger, Guest Editor). “Abandoned Landscape” is on display from June 7 to June 29, 2019.
To see the show online and to order a catalog, CLICK HERE.
“For Sale”
“For Sale” (Camaguey, Cuba) was selected for the “Still Life” show at A Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas (Kate Breakey, Guest Editor). “Still Life” is on display from May 18 to July 1, 2018.
To see the show and to order a catalog, CLICK HERE.
“Set Up”
My smartphone image “Set Up” was selected by Black & White Magazine as a 2019 contest winner in their annual “Smartphone Photography” competition. It is featured in Issue 133, June 2019.
To order the magazine issue and to order a copy, CLICK HERE.
“For Sale”
My Holga image “For Sale” (Camaguey, Cuba) was selected by Black & White Magazine as a 2018 contest winner in their annual “Pinhole/Plastic Camera” competition. It is featured in Issue 130, December 2018.
To order the magazine issue and to order a copy, CLICK HERE.
“Prayer Ribbons Atop Sheep Table”
Four of my diptychs, including “Prayer Ribbons Atop Sheep Table” (Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota), were featured along with my poetry in the “Visual Poetry” exhibit at Photoworks at Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, Maryland. The show is a collaborative exhibit of Image and word features 14 photographers, including Photoworks faculty and students. The opening reception on September 6, 2019 (6-8 p.m.) will feature a reading by notable poet E. Ethelbert Miller. The show is on display from September 6 to October 6, 2019
For more information, CLICK HERE.
“Ernesto’s Reverie” and “Remembering Grandma”
My portraits “Ernesto’s Reverie” and “Remembering Grandma” (Camaguey, Cuba) were selected for the “Figuratively Speaking” annual all-media show at the Salmagundi Art Club in New York, New York. The show is on display from February 24 through March 12, 2020.
To see the show online, CLICK HERE.
My Holga image “Sunflowers” was selected for the “Imperfect Lens” show at A Smith Gallery in Johnson City, Texas (Michael Kirchoff, Guest Editor). The show is on display from March 13 to May 10, 2020.
To see the show online and to order a catalog, CLICK HERE.
Photoworks at Glen Echo Park (Glen Echo, Maryland) will be hosting my solo show “Camaguey: Memory and Meaning” as part of a joint show, Human Landscapes (Fabian Goncalves Borrega, Guest Curator). The show will be on display from April 19 to May 26, 2019.
“The Buddha Contemplates His Own Existence”
My smartphone image “The Buddha Contemplates His Own Existence” was selected by Black & White Magazine as a 2020 contest winner in their annual “Smartphone Photography” competition. It is featured in Issue 143, January 2021.
To order the magazine issue and to order a copy, CLICK HERE.